Corporate Reporting Standards
It is important to report issues in a fair and balance manner and in a form which both technical and the lay person will understand without resorting to general greenwash statements or jargon.
We pride ourselves on establishing good reporting standards which summarise the businesses actions and achievements fairly whilst also highlighting necessary improvements either planned or recommended for the industry type.
Being a good business is recognizing your limits and trying to raise standards for the rest of your peer group. We are well versed in creating KPIs which are measurable, efficient and robust with an effective process which will drive positive change for the industry.
This is demonstrated with our KPIs and the use of the UN sustainable development goals. The UN goals are worthy but need interpreting into a country specific manner and therefore most of our audit systems take account of national characteristics.
Having developed and operated reporting standards in countries as diverse as Sweden, New Zealand, Zimbabwe, Canada and Ireland we understand the values of :
which is a strap line we developed for green tourism as a destination based certification programme (another of the 3P systems we have established.) A fourth P Profit is one we also support but only in so far as it helps deliver an effective and ever improving product or service. Profits are well managed with the existing economic system and we leave that to the financial world.
If requested we can summarise achievements as info-graphics and we ensure that any such summaries are effective if not transparent in being accountable in a balanced manner related to our desire for a sustainable future.